Training vacancy
PPTA announces for training day On role of physiotherapy in rehabilitating the amputees In cooperation with ICRC and the artificial limb and poliomyelitis center - ALPC, where the outlines on that day will be:
- Assessment of amputees
- Role of physiotherapy in Pre-fitting the artificial limb.
- Types of artificial limbs and fitting mechanisms.
- Role of Physiotherapy in training the amputee in using the artificial limb in addition to the technical team during the training process.
- Types and procedures of applying the orthosis.
Priorities in joining the training day is given to the following:
1- Physiotherapy fresh gradutes.
2- The physiotherapy workers at field of amputee rehabilitation.
3- PPTA members whom possess vaild membership “2014”.
4- Physiotherapy Members of training committes in TaQaT youth fourm
1- The training is free.
2- The training is for 1 day (8:30 am – 3:30 pm).
3- Attendance certificate will be gives to participants.
4- Expected date , 6/5/2014.
For those whom interested to apply, please fill the following link where the deadline would be 24/4/2014
Registration from HERE